Saturday, August 30, 2008
When the sch end we go watch WALL'E
then end liao we go imm play hide & seek,
eat, talk...Then i go hom and idk they go where.
i when home bathe and change tee then go to my
kor friend b'day, at there quite fun la play play,
eat eat, talk talk till 11.30pm go hom. then the road no
car-.- kay leh
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
woh woh woh!!
Today rugby so shiok xD!!!!
i go tackle ppl till so shiok sia xD!!
Aft rugby go Kopitiam then go playground and
go hom :D! when reach hom on comp go bathe
eat and rest then play comp(SF(ijji)). The game
almost lik counter strike 1.6 then i shot shot shot
And RKAN UP!!! Now my rank is Sergeant 1st class.
Going to become Master sergeant liao!! i wan chong my RANK!!
Kay leh i go slp liao later can't wake up again lik today....
Saturday, August 23, 2008
1st we said meet at westmail then the riche did't
w8 4 me-.- then go take 188 go 1st...
then i was in 147 bus sia still nid to w8 to reach westmail.
when i reach westmail then riche said he was in 188!!
then i go take mrt lor...
Wah!! in the mrt can die sia-.- i from bukit batok stand
till dhoby ghaut station...
when i reach dhoby ghaut then the riche i dk wat he toking sia
i at chioce?? i dk how to spell xD.
then i tell him call leo come then blablaaablaaa.
In the end they was at harbo front-.-
the i go take mrt to there lo...
when i was in the mrt,
my head bang on the emergency thing0.o
Heng did not press till the button sia-.-
if press liao then will kana find $5000!!!
When i reach harbo front.. i call riche again..
me: you all at where?
riche: KFC
me: Witch KFC??
riche: KFC
me: Where la??
riche: KFC
he siao liao ar... then i tell leo come lo.
then he said harbo front de KFC :D!!
then i go there lo..
when i reach KFC tat riche gone HIGH wor!!!
coz leo said jz now i was not here he not lik that 1.
Then tat riche lik abit siao siao 1-.-
he wif leo lik emo 0.o idk lolz..
then we go buy food BlaaaBlaaaBlaa..
eat finish liao we go to queen way
and buy riche bootes and shoes bag :D
it worth $30+!!! lolz. then we said wan to go lan wan to
play lan then we wan to play dota and dun hav wor..
then we shop shop shop shop shop shop shop!!!
wah so many clothe and jeans!!! WOOOT!!!
i wan them xD!!
haha then go hom tat time it was raining sia..
then i chong ar!! and that leo chong we thoes unknown?!?!
and i gave riche the umbrella then he walk so slow-.-
then we reach the bus stop we take 61 back hom lor!!
and tat STUPID FATTY! lie us tat way back hom!
Fk him upside down ar-.- then we go other side take
61 lor, and w8 Wah!! dam long sia!!
then we on the way hom..
dk witch bus stop riche and me saw our chi teacher wor...
then i said hi no reply then riche shout hi then she reply0.o
lolz wat this mean wor0.o
i was lik slp slp and reach the sch bus stop we saw tat nicholas-.-
he was wif his friend... then i saw my bus!! and i keep praying the
bus to stop xD then i go down from 61 run to 174 lolz.. in the end
chong then the bus stop lolz!!
hahas then go hom bathe blablaablaa
kay la i go eat liao bye!! :D
Hope cyndi,cassandra, diran get well soon :D
Later Hope Cyndi, Cassandra and Diran
get well soon :D
Let pray 4 them and get their fever, cold, cough and
whatever sickness they got away :D
God Bless You All <3!!>
And Dyla fast come back from malasia leh
coz we all miss u alot D:!!
faster come back hor :D
Friday, August 22, 2008

Lol clement wearing jin wei Beret... later tio scolded ar-.-

Oh!!Un!! Today wah si bei cham ah-.-
cry cry.. Jz dun care wat said about u can liao
leh, dun nid to cry de, if u cry you oso can't
get wat u wan to-.- Aiya dun talk about this la
it jz coz of tat B-A-R make ppl cry..
Hehe today at music room we watch the army daze xD!!
is quite funny lah.. anyw
clement, jin wei, riche and wei hong
zi lian-.- take so many pic of them self... at least i got some from
them to post at blog xD...
lolz i got nth to post sia..
Kay Bye Leh..
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Pic pic about yesterday and today :D

Bleh :P

aiya he wan open giv him open big big lo.. i dun mind.
As long eu all happy can liao :D

Hehe!! Nth Wah Sux sia-.- coz they said that today to swimming lesson
then i dun hav bring my swimming kit ):< Then sit down there so sian sia watch ppl swim then tat diran.... aiyya dun wan post about her later she P.S xD... When after sch we go out eat and go play then go home :D 1st we when to the west mail.. then go to kopitiam buy food eat leh i got some pic up up there :D then go playground play and go to dk wat SBP aiya i dk la-.- then when hom :D..
Hope U All Recover From The Sickness :D
If u all dun drink more water u all sure will not get well 1-.-
i not causing u all la...
Kay la..
Bye :D
Wah yesterday the D&T so shiok sia xD..
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
i got Dk la..
Jz have a safe journey to malaysia :D
And some 1 gonna miss u leh!!!
Diran oso neo hu tat person is xD
Kay leh.
Bye Bye...
Play Gunz play till sian...
Hehe later go out wif my kor :D
jz go walk walk then come back.
Kay la i got nth to post here-.-
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
comment test mark!
English = 15/20
Math = 23/40
Chinese = 28/50
Science = 29/50
Yea!! I Pass my Test :D Hope the real can get higher mark :D
But i still not happy wif my mark D:
it look so low mark lik tat D:
Kay Leh Bye :D
Hope Cyndi get well soon :D
Shoooooooo!!!! All the fever go away from my class ):<
Arh... Sian!
Bye tat all i can said.
nth to do sia...
I W8ting 4 tmr then i can get my Crumper Bag(Mid Pouch) :D!!
Lalalalala :D
so sian sia haiz...
Got nth to post xD bye..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
WeeeeeeEEeeEEeeEe... But nid to w8 till monday
or wed to get the pouch :D
Actualli i wan to buy Jeans, Cap , Jacket and the Clothe.. then
dun hav D: I left $40+ :D can go buy alot of clothe, Cap, jacket
and jeans.. Lalalalala~
Lol got nth to post liao bye :D i go play game game :D
This morning i go out wif my father and eat and
Ta Bao food 4 my 2bro and mom :D
Then after eating i on comp lor coz i got nth to do mah..
bla bla bla then my kor friend have came to do hmk
when he finish hmk we play dota xD.. Then
when my kor using his comp and his friend is using my
mom comp. then my kor keep lagging-.- then we go out
lan and play lo aft tat went hom and bathe..
when i bathe finish i go out wif my family eat~
then went to vivo to shop... coz i wan to buy
Hat, Top, Jacket, Jeans, Crumper Bag, Shoes..
Then dun have wor... Tat place dun hav sell all tat thing i wan :'(
only jurong point got xD.. then tmr we going to IMM, Jurong Point and all
lot place to shop 4 all tat thing i wan :)!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
my father going to buy 4 me :) LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa...
Kay la bye leh..
So tired when i came back from vivo coz my kor and i walk here walk there then our parent
behide us and it wan soo farrrrrrrrrr away-.-
Bye leh..Gd9 go slp liao
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Xing herng and cassandra problem
Let talk about xing herng 1st xD.. today we meet at the wm mac then he did not turn up and i thing he was at sch wor then dun hav-.- then i hear some news of xing herng.. HOPE HIS HIGH FERVER WILL GO AWAY xD. WAN ME HELP U COOL DOWN MAH I PUT ALL THE ICE IN UR HEAD :D. LAME-.- HOPE U GET WELL SONE COZ TMR GOING TO VIVO YET I STILL SO LATE SLP0.O FERVER GO AWAY FROM XING HERNG!! IF NOT I KILL U :D.LOLZ... Then i went leo house IMM, Oh-Ya say about IMM i lik saw mr loo at IMM working at 3th Floor xD.. then leo and me keep say is tat mr loo.. lolz. then he go buy the green and red fire and burn but the fire so small xD then i us my lighter burn wah the fire dam big till burn my hand coz i go turn the fire contor till EXTREM MAX! then the gas keep sparying out sia then i on fight and burn burn till the HP ball melt then throw 1 side it still auto burn sia-.- blaa blaaa blaa lazy typ la now 12.45am+ sia so tired..
Let talk about cassandra now, aiya i dam tired liao la.. today her phone kana confiscate by miss koh then the aisha cry.. cry 4 wat?? mayb miss koh will return the phone back to cassandra. in the end i dk got get back anot la-.- hope got u can get back ur phone :D.
simple plan - welcome to my life
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more?
Before your life is over
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all rightYou don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
No one ever lied straight to your face
And no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
You never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like, what it's like
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Friday, August 15, 2008
westlife - swear it all over again
I wanna know
Who ever told you I was letting go
Of the only joy that I have ever known
Girl, they were lying
Just look around
And all of the people that we used to know
Have just given up, they wanna let it go
But we're still trying
So you should know this love we share was never made to die
I'm glad we're on this one way street just you and I
Just you and
II'm never gonna say goodbye
Cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain
And I swear it all over again and I
I'm never gonna treat you bad
Cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
And I swear it all over again
All over again
Some people say
That everything has got its place in time
Even the day must give way to the night
But I'm not buying
Cos in your eyes
I see a love that burns eternally
And if you see how beautiful you are to me
You'll know I'm not lying
Sure there'll be times we wanna say goodbye
But even if we try
There are some things in this life won't be denied
Won't be denied
I'm never gonna say goodbye
Cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain
And I swear it all over again and I
I'm never gonna treat you bad
Cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
And I swear it all over again
The more I know of you is the more I know I love you
And the more that I'm sure I want you forever and ever more
And the more that you love me, the more that I know
Oh that I'm never gonna let you go
Gotta let you know that I
I'm never gonna say goodbye
Cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain
And I swear it all over again and I
I'm never gonna treat you bad
Cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
And I swear it all over again
All over againAll over again
And I swear it all over again
natalie - going crazy
My life just hasn't been the same ohh baby, nooo
When I looked into your eyes the moment that I let you go
I just broke down
Baby if I ever get the chance to be with you again I would sacrifice
Cuz the feeling that I feel within
No other man would ever make me feel so right
Its nice to smile when I get your phone call at night
But I'd rather have you here with me, right next to me
I miss the way you hold me tight
I gotta let you know I feel so weak without your touch
I never thought that I could ever love a man so much
I gotta let you know I think that we are destiny
For you I'd cross the world, for you I'd do anything
Thats right baby I'm going crazy
I need to be your lady
I've been thinking lately
That you and me, yes we can make it
Just ride with me, roll with me I'm in love with you baby
Break it down now I'll tell you what I feel
From the moment that I met you its been so damn real
My heart seems to skip another beat
Every time we speak, I can't believe I feel so weak
Tell me that you really need me and you want me and you miss me
And you love me I'm your lady
I'll be around waiting for you I'll put it down be the woman for you
I'm falling so deep for you crazy over for you
I`m calling, calling out to you what am I going to do?
It's true, no fronting
Its you and no other i can no longer go on without you I'll just break down
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
At 1st we go to playground together wif sammy,moses,
xing herng, leo, there watch ppl fight lolz.. they say fight fight
i oso dk why they lik to fight so much sia-.- fight oso can't
get back the thing u wan wor.. so 2pid to fight rite rite???
anyw dc about this la-.- then i call xing herng he dun have hear me
and i call him when i reach 7-11. coz cyndia & cassandra was there
w8ting us then i call him run lor. aft tat we go MAC eat :D
then cyndi, cassandra, leo, xingherng and me go to the mac find
sit.. and we keep moving around in the end sit near the stair-.-
then they go buy food lo.. and i sit down there, tat xing herng
lazy till wan ppl buy 4 him sia. then they buy liao riche call leo then
leo and me go out find him lor... he dk we at where sia,zzzzzzzzzzzz..
when he come i treat leo, xing herng and riche ice-cream cheap cheap
la 60cent only-.- then we sit there eat lo..Aft the 2 siao zha bo keep
laughing lik mad when riche not around, when riche come both of
them stop laughing liao leh lolz i oso dc why... then we talk till 4pm++
and go HOM~
Kay la i go play HighStreet5 liao bye:D
Sunday, August 10, 2008
yesterday and ndp

Wah today shiok sia xD. Go to Dhoby Ghaut
1st xing herng and me meet at wm mrt station
then i change fast fast then chong to wm mrt
station lo. Aft tat we take mrt to Dhoby Ghaut
then we at the slack slack~ Coz Leo was slping
soundly!! then we at the eat chicken rice
then go buy pei kia~
Aft we eat we go PC Bunk watch ppl play game lo
has 1hr/$2.30-.- then we go to the X-Zone :D
We play lik $10?? coz i bring $38 only mah then
xing herng bring $20 0.o then ea ppl pay $5 and
play lo!! Aft we playing we go to the Dhoby Ghaut
mrt information counter there w8 4 leo come lo-.-
then he go call me and i saw him and wave to him
u neo he say wat? he say i lik Gho.t La-.- coz i
wearing a white jacket and red Tee in side....
aiya 4 got take pic xD. Sad D:
Bla Blaa Blaaa, We went to X-Zone again to play
coz i leo pay money (:
we wgo play gun game
then basket ball
then racing game. when to finish we go back to mrt
station take mrt to harbo front and go vivo shop 4 T-shirt,
pouch, jeans, cap, something tat can boom, then we go to
harbo front there buy pizza eat xD. tat leo eat so many.
The funny part is when we walk half wat then we talk talk
laugh laugh then leo say u can go through the 2 pellet mah
then i say dun wan he go push me through-.- and xing herng
follow me go through then we say leo ur turn then he run lik
mad then boom! u neo wat happen? the 2 small pellet shake
and he stuck there then we 2 laugh lik mad sia. if u got saw
u oso will laugh lik mad!!
then we go bread talk but bread lo.. i buy the chocolate bread
then i ask leo wan eat anot and he say yes.. he ate abit then i
go buy 3 chocolate bread coz is nice :D. then i ask him again wan
to eat he say yes and then he go ate HALF!!! heng i buy 3 sia if
not dun hav liao-.- then we go w8 4 bus go play pool~ weeeeeeeee
then we w8 the bus till very long sia... When the bus come we go up
and go to a club play pool lor. when we reach there leo treat us play
pool :D $10/Hr. Thx Leo~ then we play play play play and play:D when finish
we go leo uncle house? down there play fire xD. then we go bus stop
and my earpice the small small thing drop out D: heng i got extra 1 :D
when we reach bus stop, Xing herng and me go take bus to the jorong interchange
there take mrt lo. then we go hom lo xing herng run up and jz nice the mrt come
and me nid to w8 4 5min-.- then i lisen to song lo.. blaaa blaa bla 1st thing on comp
then msn then SF!! aft tat blog lor xD.. Now wat time liao 0.o lolz now is 12.35am
has.. i was trying to slp la but can't D:
Has.. Pity u cyndi can't come out wif us D:
aiya yesterday quite fun la(:
i miss ndp)': sad.... hope sec2 have ndp again :D
tat si kok lik wan to kill me sia!! u see the 1st pic-.-
anyws i really miss NDP )': haiz... sian ar.. when we go
perform then bryan & leo say eddie face on TV0.o
then i tell eddie he dun belive in the end he see the msg
then he neo xD. He dam ps lo, lolz. then the perform we do
the human throw the star?? aft tat all gone siao sia!! all
Happy 43th Birthday Singapore!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
then 5.45am go take bus then reach sch jz nice XD.
Aft tat i chong to toilet and change ncc(sea) uni.
when i done changeing the uni i go back then they
say wat respon-.- then i learn lo. Then learn liao
i go join then do the drill (: is jz 4 warm up la.
atf warm up we go to the parade and fall in (:
then bla blaa blaa the bbss ppl should neo wat
happen.. then run go the gate take free bread
and eat sit down at canten... and watch others
dance lor, sit there so sian sia-.- no sian ar is
si bei sian!! then finish liao go class room w8
xing herng, riche, kok giv there ncc uni coz
they quiting )': sad.... aiya dc la there leave i stay..
anyw i leave liao oso no cca join-.- then they giv the
uni liao cyndi, cassandra, leonard, xingherng, bryan, jordan
go out wm kopitiam slack & eat :D. then cyndi friend(vernise)
come :D (so chio sia!!). then we go playground (: play wif fire O..O
then jordan go put 2 lighter in the paper and burn then 1 auntie
came and say who did tat thing-.- then we dun sabo ppl 1 la dk
who go say! tat hum ji 1-.- point here point there... break there
hand ar. anyw is tat auntie force us say 1. she said if u all dun say
who did tat burning she will call 2 teacher come down!! tat auntie
so kepo 1 lo-.- aiya tat all la
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Happy B'Day Kor
Happy Birthday Kor!
kay this morning i wake up at 5.30am then
it too early-.- then i slp again lo aft tat my hp
rings then i go smack then no more noise =x
then i wake up at 6am and slp very fast my
eye lik can't open lik dat la... and wake up at
7am!! wah so late liao reach sch about 8am...
then i dun wan go lor atf tat i wake up at 9am
on comp play game and find skins.. about 1pm?
my mum go call me buy food! then i chong to
buy and come back and bathe change go sch find
xing herng, leo, riche, bryan, cyndi , cassandra they all la
then i dk can go in the sch leh XD. atf tat i go in watch them
doing detention lolz. then i go up hall watch movie till 3.30pm
and go take bus wif xing herng, leo, riche, bryan, cyndi , cassandra
go wm walk walk,
xing, leo, bryan go hom change then cyndi, cassandar, lesster and me
go wm walk lor, and i go make cassandra fall down!! srry leh..
then they run run run lazy to find them la then lester and me
talk talk lor & w8 bryan,xing,leo come back la when they come back
we go mac w8 4 bryan! then leo and me go shop and buy
something then run back to mac w8 4 bryan and come back
aft tat they come my house 4 my kor birthday. when reach my
house they go playground-.- then my father came back i go down
find them and play lor. aft playing we run back to my house celebrate
my kor bitrhday. when 8pm they go hom:'( then left my kor friends..
then we play Big2.5 XD. loser drink all the rare rare bear and very ex 1,
then they drink till face red red xD. later at bus vomit! lolz. kay la dun talk
so much liao Bye!! Tmr got swimming lesson!! WEEeeeeeEEee....
face red red de later vomit at bus 0.o
Monday, August 4, 2008

lolz tat lame hor? has...
Anyw.. Today morning i wake up, wah
my room is lik freezing lik dat when my
it was very cold la. Then go bathe and
go to west mail meet friends from 1t1
i lazy type the name la XD.
then go take 77a go sch bla blaa blaa.
Si Bei Sian Ar!Kns-.-
then sch end :D Go shop buy drink and
snack... then cyndi and cassan buy
noodle-.- eat so long sia anyw i can
w8 4 them la has... coz i oso got nth to do
... Kay la nth to say liao bye :D...
The blogskins got so many till eye can pop out! Bye~