Monday, September 29, 2008
I Damn Freak out of that paper!!! Coz I did not bring
my Calculator!!! Then do so many working-.- Heng
I clever xD JkJk... Heng I Good In Math If Not I
Sure Fail 1-.- Aiyah!!! Tmr CPA again!! Si Bei Sian ar-.-
Anyw dc about exam lah...
Today go out wif hu ar??? lolx!! I go out wif erm....
Cyndi, Clement, Bryan, Leonard, Xing herng & Riche
to a place that can play Lan & Snooker... Then
I treat Cyndi play Lan and i gave Clement $10 :D
Coz cyndi is my mei o.o then clement is my did :D
Coz his B'day I dk wan giv him wat thing wat... Then
jz giv him $10 lor.. 1st we go play ADUI :D then play
CS :p OWNING xD!!! Then we played for 2½Hr...
Then go to bubber tea shop :D then I was finding
toilet to pee-.- then Byan, Riche & Me go 1 big round to
the toilet-.- Coz the toilet jz behine the bubber tea shop
:D then we come out that time, Cyndi, Clement, Leonard
& Xing herng Gone o.o!!!! Then we go out lor.. And i stand
on a chair... Coz Bryan & Riche go to sit outside the
Bueaty World chair wat... Then I Cyndi, Clement, Leonard
& Xing herng walking to mac, Then i shot they at there!!!!!
Then they said my eye very gd lolx... My both eye is 60 :D
Pro Rite :D Then Bryan & Riche toking something about me
>:( He said I every look at girl that 1-.- I not that ppl lik to
Look PPL That 1 Okay!!! Then they said is boy 1 lor....
Wah Then i dc them liao-.- Anyw they jz joking only, HAss..
Then go mac Sit till 4pm+++ :D Then Go home play audi
wif cassan. Then jz played 2-3 rounds and she go out
eat liao-.- Nvm i go find clement play SF :D Wahahaha!!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Lol Lap 15/61 got 1 car crash!!! Sad sia!!! Heng is the back crash-.-
if is the front the people die liao :/
Holy!! The "F Massa" Aka Ferrari!!! Had gone last!!! Acc "F Massa"
is 1st 1 xD!!! Coz of the oil thing can't pull out... Heng got "F Alonso"!!
Coz every F1 Race they will have 2 player from a team...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
1st Leonard call us to go vivo then he go to Beauty World -.- Then I pek chek leh!!!
Every time go there is play comp and not study!! got wat use-.- If u got your own comp
u will get that feeling 1 lah... At 1st Bryan at msn said wan come my house then i call
him to come lor.. As long I at home, U all wan come anytime oso can 1 :D Then he reach
my house liao, He call me!!! Then said "Open your Damn Door!!" Then I go open lor...
waste money and call me-.- Then I was playing comp lor.. Aft that I giv him play my comp
the he was playing that time, and I still did not eat my breakfast xD!!! Then he playing time
I go make my own Fav Coffe and drink lor :D then about 11pm++ my Dad come back :D
Then i call him giv me money to go cele my friend B'day then my Dad giv me $50 :D
Then bring Bryan & Me go out eat lor.. Aft that I go home change clothe and go to vivo
then i call Ting Han he said he going to Escape Theme Park then i faster tell my Dad
go to there lor!!! When reach there I go toilet 1st-.- Coz i at the car I was going to PEE!!!
Then aft toilet I call Ting Han come out lor... Then I giv him the $10 and go to Beauty World
and i feel lik not going there coz i wan cele my friend B'day then that Bryan said Leonard leh?
I Said don't care him lah!!! Then I got $40 left and we go buy 2 green tea and drink then I got $2 and change to coin giv to bryan lor... Coz he wan to take bus to Beauty World then said
dun go lah... Then I said I treat u go in Escape Theme Park lah.. And he come lor.. Coz he
only got $6!!! then i spent $30 lor and he spent $5.40... Coz 1 Ticket is $17++ Then I call Ting Han come out again lor.. Then we go in again, We 1st game we play is Wet & Wild!!! We played 2 time xD!!! That Bryan scare WET then dun wan play!!! xD Then we go play Inverter lor then I call Bryan come and play he dun wan.. He said he scare of high-.- Then Ting Han & Me go play lor!!! It was Damn Fun xD!!! Then we go play the Wet & Wild again, And I call Bryan play wif my friend lah... Then I Solo 1 by my self!! So Fun!! Then that Bryan All Wet!! Hahas.. then walk here walk there till Ting Han friends come back, Coz his friends go out eat.. Got 1 of his friend
I neo him at pri4-6 CDAC Aka Tuition lah... Then we go play Wet & Wild lor :D Then Bryan dun dare to Solo Then he w8 us play and go play the Inverter again lor :D Then we call Bryan come and play!!! And he hand lik no str lik that hahas.. We call him to relax xD!!! Then he play lor, And nth scare 1 lah-.- Jz feel lik fly out o.o Then we go play prite ship!! Then that bryan and 1 Ting Han Friend that I neo 1 stay there wif Bryan lor... Then the ship start to swing that time... When swing till 90* my heart lik fly out xD!!! Then go play Bumber Boat!! Then All WET!!! Ghr!!! Then my phone Sot liao-.- Coz we played 2 time!!!! lolx!!! Then I don care my phone liao and we slack at burger king lor... Then go out eat KFC then go back to Escape Theme Park Then go in the Hunted House lor.. Then His Friends Lik say till very no scare lik that.. Then go in that time he said u go 1st u go 1st then Pulling Ting Han & Me!!! How To Go In When u Pulling Us-.- Stupid rite... Then Ting Han & Me walk in lor... That Ting Han lik siao 1... Last Time he go in 1 Hunted House then kana scared and HE GO SLAP TILL THE BOT FACE TURN!!! LOLX!!! Haha!!! Then I keep laughing xD!!!! Then we go to play the Go-Kart!!! Then we keep Drifting!!! Fun Sia When Drifting that time xD!!! Then go play Wet & Wild then go to the Small Train U see the Train small small then u go sit so fast!!! That Ting Han Go Bang Me Till My Arm Blue Black!!! WTF sia-.- Then we played 3x2 Rounds!!!! So fun!!! Hahas!!!! Then we play till 8pm :D It Was A Fun Day 4 Me :D.. Then I w8 4 my Family to come lor... Then go out eat liao & go to a Big Big Giant!!!! Then buy alot of thing lor :D I GOT MY NEW EARPICE!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Today I go out wif my friends and played Snooker :D
Then i mac slack slack lor.. I open my comp and play Gunz Lor..
Then i giv my friends use my comp and playLolx...
We At Mac Slack Till 4.44pm, Roft!!! 444 xD
Then Go back home lor... That where am i now *In The Bus*
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Then tmr die liao lor... Chi Exam-.- Can stress sia..Lolx..
Today it was a damn tired day-.- Aft CPA exam we go out then slack slack
aft that go here go there then IT WAS SO HOT!! kay lah no time 4 posting-.-
i was damn tired now...
Oh Yah!! A Big Happy B'day To Clement Tan :D
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Clement said we sure do 1st lor, Coz everytime CPA lesson we
done the work 1st, But oso no use wor!! Coz if done 1st then sian
liao-.- nth to do sit there lik Dumb Dumb lik that-.-
Wow!!! Today so fun xD!! 1st gogogog here 2nd go there 3th go home :D
Done That for today news.. our test to day finish at 9:10am.
Bye :D
Arhas Jz jk only xD!!!!
Woot!! this sat i think Am going to sentosa :D Coz my friend de *dear* said 1
o.o later i become a light bulb leh-.- Then she said Ting Han sec sch friend
will go oso, I oso dk them wor x.x Lolx!!! Hope they are last time pri sch friends
Coz i missed them D: Sad Sioh... Let dun talk about that, later i go ask-.-
Kay lets dc about that :D This morning i wake up at 5am then go brush teeth,
wash face, bath ;D then go pack my comp, leave at 6am, When i walk to the bus-
stop that time EVERYBODY eye were looking at me wor-.- nv see ppl bring laptop
to sch b4 meh... Then reach westmail about 6:12am and that Bryan reach there
so fast coz i said i bring laptop to sch-.- Coz I always meet up wif my friend at West-
Mail Mac 1 and go sch 1 mah :D We w8ting others that time i took out my laptop
and played Gunz, then that Cyndi reach liao and sit down w8 wif us lor then they
come liao i off my comp and move off to interchange and take 77a to sch :D and go for
Science exam lor!! Hope i can pass :D Opps!! not only me :D And my friends too!
Aft Science exam we w8 all come out the run down the hill to 77 bus-stop and
that Cyndi scare her hair oily then i lean her my foolscape paper lor, then go down
liao that Sammy dear(Hafizah) siao 1-.- coz when we were at the gate then i go push
Sammy to Hafizah and Sammy ALMOST KISS her!!! Aiya i push too hard liao lah-.-
later he kiss oso no use... coz Hafizah behine is the windown and wall.. later Sammy
go kiss then Hafizah head bang on to the window!! then sure very funny :D BUT!!!
i will die, both of them will kill-.- Has!!! Hafizah at the bus-stop there pinch me till
black-blue wor.. But idk why i recover so fast x.x then reach west-maill we stop half-
way, Coz Sammy said he w8ting his father to come and bring him home wat.. Then
we oso dk why stand there... And we go to Mac and eat lor, And i took out my comp
again then play Soldier Front lor, Then go buy Mac to eat, Aft that go to take
bus 61 come Cyndi, Bryan, Leonard, Xing Herng & Me :D go up lor..
Kok siong & Sammy w8 4 Sammy fater come, And Then Kok siong go Sammy House,
Then we go play Snooker :p I rmb the last 2rounds my luck have
come xD!! coz all the ball can chop easy :D.. 1st I go to mac and that Bryan follow me lor
i go buy Ice-Milo.. And my comp batt is low then i take out my charger and charge lor
Both of us w8ting tat time i have on my comp then no Wire-Less then i so pek chek
off my comp and then Cyndi call me ask me where Am I, Then i said Why, she ask again
then I said Why again... Sry leh. Then i faster go buy Ice-Milo again then chong to the
Snooker place lor!! There got so many ppl from our sch 1 sia!! Has.. Then we were
watching Xing Herng, Leonard & Riche playing Snooker that time i oso feel lik playing
coz i long time did not play, Then Bryan & Me go book 1 table(9) and play lor then
tat Cyndi keep laughing at me coz i lost skill :D haha i keep hitting the ball then miss o.o
Then Cyndi laugh again!! Lolx!! then she laugh oso make me laugh-.- Suddenly that
bryan lik die on the table then Cyndi & I ask Bryan wat happen.. Then he said i win,
I said why.. Coz the No.8 Ball nid go in last & nid to choose Full Colour or Half Colour
1 mah... Then he hit the Full Colour ball in 1st then he nid hit till no more Full Colour
then can hit the No.8 Ball in.. And we play agan lor... Till 11am++ I ask Bryan wan play
comp mah then i said play CS, Then tat Cyndi oso wan play mah.. Then i treat her lor Coz
she got no money wat.. We Played 1hr of CS and they jz PWNED by me o.o i was bullying
them sia xD, Srry leh... Aft "We" played CS. Xing Herng, Leonard & Riche came :D
Then we go to Bueaty Word Mac Slack lor.. I take out my comp again and see got Wire-
Less, Finaly got Wire-Less liao xD then that Bryan go home lor. He said go home on comp
play Gunz wif me then his brother at home... then he can't play comp lor... Aft that we go
youtube watch movie till 3pm++ and go home lor.. Then go to Ting Han house find him then
he were not around wor... Aft that go home on comp and play Soldier Front :D
Lolx!!! That all :D
Lol!! That Cyndi dk how to do Area/ Perimeter or cube, Cuboid, Trangles, Circle then we nid to
go teach her how to do lor :D
Bye :D
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
the paper 1 easy lah... Write letter to mary??
then it say at least 80words then i go write till
107 words xD
then the direct writing is at least 100words then i
go write till 271 words!!! has...
anyw tmr is science, I Wish My Friends A Very GL :D
Atf the eng test we go out slack and make laugh talk talk,
1st we go to beauty world there slack slack lor...
Cyndi, Bryan, Kok siong, Sammy, Xing herng, Leonard, Riche,
Nicholas and Me go there slack slack, We go mac eat and
tat bryanact act do math hmk and i go do 4 him has... later he fail-.-
sry leh xD that riche more worst!! he go do 1 page-.-
I said if u dk how to do ask me then he do half way stop....
then we eat finish liao, go out then i ask bryan wan come anot he said
u all go 1st his friend coming to find him, Then we go in beauty world
there and go to music shop, go up and down... Oh!!! 1 funny thing
that riche got a cube that buy at other place 1 then the shop
oso got tat cube then the auntie though he steal the cube from
the shop!!! Has!!! The auntie PS liao xD!!! then we go out lor
blaaa blaaa blaa... Aft that xing herng and leonard was missing-.-
Then tat riche go to the pool there... He said nid member then can
go in, then he go in liao hor left Cyndi, Sammy, Kok siong, Nicholas And Me lor..
What kind of friend-.- Lol.(Jz Jk xD) Anyw we go up up up then walk
lor, then got a place is lik spooky lah(not so spooky lleh). And i said later got
a ghost come out then... Boo!! that cyndi kana scared by me coz she behine me wat
hahas!!! Anyw there got alot of maid...Lol. Then Nicholas go home liao lo-.-
then we go back to the pool place lor,There said nid member then
can go in hor!! Then i jz walk in and out, in and out-.-Lik no body business!!
Has!!! then i found Bryan, Leonard, Xing herng and Riche were playing
pool-.- Then i go out lor... then go 1 place is oso lik very spooky then i said go
in lah then kok said u go 1st then i go Lol.. then go half way all go in lah coz in there
is a toilet-.- then walk half way i shoted ARHHHH GOT GHOST!!! then all chong
out so fast!!! haha!! All kana scared by me :p then i go in the pool there go again and come out call Cyndi, Sammy, Kok siong come in! Coz i asked riche how
to be a member at that place wat.. 1st we walk half way then wan go up that time
we saw the man, He ask me where your member card then i said i wan to be
a member that time Cyndi, Sammy, Kok siong faster turn and wan to run wor...
then i said they oso wan to be member xD i think they shy lah. Lol. then we
fill in a form and get a card 4 member lor Hehe!! Then we go to the table 11 find
Bryan, Riche, Xing herng and Leonard lo.. Then i saw there skill sudd so pro!! that
xing herng action lik that said JieMing nub arh JieMing nub... then i dc him lah he
oso nv think 1 coz i so long nv play pool leh 2pid-.- only go vivo that time played..
Btw i oso now always play pool 1-.- then Cyndi, Sammy, Kok siong and me watch
then play lor, They lik hao lian lik tat there skill pro so wat?? oso not study...
WASTE MONEY AND PLAY POOL ONLY!! Agh!! Dc them lah... then i go
tell Sammy, Kok siong to try out how to play then i call xing herng teach them..
HAs!!! Tat Cyndi sit there do nth and watch us play Lolz.. Coz She Jz a Girl at
there xD Sry leh dun hav pei ni... Then ½hr ago we go out from that place lor then
go a exit board look lik very scare 1 then cyndi wan go out from there then i said
got ghost there LOL... Blaa Blaa Blaaa, Then we take bus to west mail lor.. that
big brother dk how to close the door 1 then i shouted uncle close door!! opps!
Aft that we go to the Sammy house mac there slack coz his mum nagging him
home Lol! Then we at there talk talk laugh till 4pm+?? if i not wrong...
On the way to west mail i was lik very tire-.- then that Kok siong talk talk talk
keep making Cyndi laugh till west mail shop & save xD Sry leh i go no energy
to make u laugh...Has... Then i oso try my best dun wan to laugh till Cyndi shop
finish liao that 2pid Kok siong lah keep making people laugh-.- then that Cyndi
said faster make JieMing laugh... Coz i said i wan to pee liao... then pei Cyndi
shop liao hor i faster go to toilet let my pee off LOL!!! then go home lor :D
now go help my friends do science
Bye :D
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sad 4 her sia D: hope u can get back ur phone andd will not kana scolded by ur mum :D
Anyw, Come On Cheer Up Man!! Dun think about ur phone we will lend u our phone 1 :D
Tmr is eng EXAM!!! I gonna try my best to do the test, hope is not hard D:
Tehehe :D If got any math Q. ask me can leh hahas i will try my best to help u, anyws my math
oso not that gd-.- Coz today at math lesson i did not lissen to teacher toking wat and i keep doing the HOM work!!! That SI EDDIE lah! Kick Next Door sia! Then all the word is i write and the pappet i make... Giv me stress to think till so many thing later my brain Sot Diao then u neo-.-
Lol. I lissen to song then my stress will get less and less xD haha.. Or i do good thing 4 other ppl Lol!! That woon seng in out group lik so extra 1 sia, I do this then ok ok liao hor. Then he go change... And the bear i do till nice nice he go cut 1 hole!!! I oso dk wat his bloody mind thinking-.- Anyw dc about tat... Wah! Today i saw cyndi handphone kana confiscated, She was there keep crying and i 1st time i dk why she crying sia then i hear ppl mansion about her handphone kana confiscated lor. Then she no mood leh, Lol. Then tat BRA lend her his phone lor.. That 2pid Dk Wat Lim lah everytime nid parent come and claim... Last time i was detention in the office then saw him kana scolded by a parent hahas. Kay leh
Aft the sch day!!! and it was the last day D: we go out slack slack lor and cheer cyndi up and stop think about her phone, anyw aft exam i dk got holiday anot-.- it so sian ar home!!! Hope my friend can come out from home and go out relax relax!! i sure ask 4 my father $$ and go out eat and treat them :D hope not :D if not i sure miss my friend till siao 1 xD..
Byes :D
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008

When we were eating kok and me bought the mac spyic(up size) then we eat half way
Sad 4 Cyndi did not come to sch D:
Bye xD
Friday, September 5, 2008
1T1 Exam 08!!
Date | Time | Subject / Paper | Duration | Classes/ Candidates | Venue |
23 Sep, Tue | 0745 – 0915 1000 – 1130 | English Language P1 English Language P2 | 1h 30min 1h 30min | 1T1, 2T1 1T1, 2T1 | Classroom |
24 Sep, Wed | 0745 – 0915 | Science | 1h 30min | 1T1, 2T1 | Classroom |
25 Sep, Thu | 0745 – 0830
0900 – 1015 | Computer Applications P1 (Theory) Computer Applications P2 (Practical) | 45min
1h 15min | 1T1, 2T1
2T1 | Classroom
CP3, CP4 |
26 Sep, Fri | 0745 – 0820 | Basic Chinese/ Basic Malay/ Basic Tamil P1 | 35min | 1T1, 2T2 | classroom |
29 Sep, Mon | 0745 – 1025 | Mathematics | 2h 30min | 1T1, 2T1 | Classroom |
30 Sep, Tue | 0800 – 0915 | Computer Applications P2 | 1h 15min | 1T1 | CP3, CP4 |
1 Oct, Wed | Hari Raya Puasa | [Public Holiday] | |||
2 Oct, Thu | 0745 – 1015 0745 – 0845 | Visual Art Design & Technology / Home Economics | 2h 30min 1h | 1T1 2T1 | Classroom Classroom |
3 Oct, Fri | 0745 – 0845
0745 – 1015 | Design & Technology / Home Economics Visual Art | 1h
2h 30min | 1T1
2T1 | Classroom
Classroom |
6 Oct, Mon | 0745 - 0830 | English Language P3 (Listening Comprehension) | 45min | 1T1, 2T1 | Classroom |
Thursday, September 4, 2008
LAlalalaa~~ Haiz.... Btw We Left 4 More To Study xD. I Keep Calling Ppl Study
Then I Dun Have Study :S
Hehe :D (G)ood(L)uck My Best Friends :D
Take Care!! Dun w8 till exam time then sick hor :O
If u sick u will stay back at Sec1 D:(Touch Wood!!) the we will miss eu D:
Has...Bye :D I Go watch Tv liao.
Good Luck My Friends!!
Hope u all can get 100% of the exam mark :D
Hehe Gunz!

Using Flame Thrower At Other Ppl D: I Nid To Help Them!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Gunz pic

Wahahaha >:) Bully The Fake Goblin King!!!