
HehE...Today quite fun go out wif kok, Sammy, Cassan to beauti world mac eat Luh...
When we were eating kok and me bought the mac spyic(up size) then we eat half way
When we were eating kok and me bought the mac spyic(up size) then we eat half way
and we dun wan to eat and we pass the hlaf off the then the buger to sammy sammy take
kok 1 coz his 1 smaller-.- then i jz chop the buger in the cup wif empty water then make
milk shake :D We put French Fries, Burger, Tap water, Chilli and i go shake when i shaking i saw my wallet got the sauce-.- Atf tat we go to beauti world walk walk lor we walk half way go up 2nd floor and i saw the Guitar!! and other thing lo. 2.20m+ i faster rush back to sch 4 oral, i reach sch that time i was sweating lik siao... and i it was my turn + the wind so big blow the paper fly here fly there then i so peck chek and chop the paper at the chair metael-.- Finish liao go to sammy house the mac there and saw hafizah and dorothy. i was toking wif kok, sammy and cassan and i did not notice tat hafizah and dorothy was there.. i know them at there coz i jz turn my head and look at the mac tc haha xD I ask hafizah 'u w8ting 4 sammy ar?' then dorothy and kok laugh o.O funny meh?? haha, and sammy PS liao ha his face red lol!!! Abt 4.40pm+ hafizah and dorothy go liao lo, Few min ago tat sammy oso go, left kok, cassan and me. Tat cassan and kok keep playing my psp, cassan go quit kok game coz kok using hp then cassan using phone and playing audit tat kok go take the psp and quit audition and play CallOfDuty3 then kok use phone cassan go quite and play audition again-.- Aft tat 5pm+ We was walking back to wm bus stop lo and kok and cassan saw the floor got water? idk wat is tat then they call me gust wat is tat thing llor, they say is a very bian tai 1 and i say is the girl tat thing boom, they say wrong and i give up they say is bra... the joke is cr8ed by cyndi. lol. We go to the wm interchange kok and me go <- cassan go -> aft tat tat kok gone siao 0.o he keep laughing about something and the thing is Blue Call in Chi then Black Blue Call in Chi. 173 came follow by 174 and we go home.. i bathe, play SF, eat, play SF that all Bye :D
Sad 4 Cyndi did not come to sch D:
Bye xD
Sad 4 Cyndi did not come to sch D:
Bye xD