haha so long never post... quite rusty anyw, lolx.
and my "friend" ask me to...
okay, let talk about something.

SEe me owning :D
hahaha. Gunz played how many years...
anyw quite boring-.- *YAWN* now days nothing
to do.. blaaa ahlalala.. SIAN AH!! RAWR...
Anyway later going out eat (: lolx. my dad is back!
dun know he go where so long never come back-.-
Sammy, lax lah-.- No use to fight with those "idiot".
they want say give them say lor, like will die like that..
you not happy them just go slap them. joking...
just heck care them lah. they are USELESS (: hehe.
bye. i go bahte-.-