Ok today woke up at 6am and my laptop still on
because i on for downloading. after that i go bath
and change up off my comp and went to school though
i'll be late but lucky got 1 express bus (: save me for
dentention. hahaha.
When i reach school i found that something is missing
but i just dun know what is missing and i keep on wondering.
and now. i found out what i missing. it's something that every
will have it before. I had miss a lot of things but cant tell your
what isit. sorry.
Now ! MT, kinda bored with that stupid teacher. my chi gonna fail
for life ! FOREVER ! Anyw i also dun want to learn chi because it suck !
Ghr... that teacher on youtube all that. then we were listen to music playing
handphone. Hahaha. BORED ! After MT is science.. Our science teach about
SEX SEX SEX. HAhaha. My friends and I were laugh all the way when science
because of something ;) hehehehe.
End of sch ! Wonder where to go )': I wanna stay out ! at home is BORED TOO !
hais... then Jin,Cle & Me go to the kopitiam it just beside the temple. We joke
there and eat . after that go home ):
Wonder why i keep on fall in love so easy now days ?? !!
Dyla said mayb i need someone. is that true ? i guess so ? Lol.
God sent me an angel up from above to love me for life might as well be perfect
only because it's the only way I can describe and say If this isn't love,
tell me what it is cause i could be dreaming or just plain crazy i never
felt like this. Love, what is it me? hell i gonna be fall in love .