Kill so many people today. and we still got the same kill and death xD brother? LOL
I know i wun be ... but its alright. nevermind.
Everyone scare of the word "Exam" because its really scary ? hahaha,
once you fail you can't retake again need wait till...... 1more years. !!
sound scary for you ? haha guess not ? okayy lets start,
1st day of exam
1 Oct, thursday, Eng exam:
WTH! Paper1 ! Fuck that. gonna fail. but when i touch the paper i turn it
over. and its wow ! i love write words, then i keep on write till 171 words :S
last time is 200+ haha i scare i fail so i write less anyw already over 20words.
Wooot ! then i the last page also write what letter 1. i write like 170 XDh hahaha
and the ! Recess Time !! ahahaha chat with my pals and they keep askin
eat what!! ofcause is the Malay chicken rice lah !! Hahah so nice (: yummy ~
After that recess back to paper 2 !
Otas? No ! why english paper no otas !! sign.. aiyah dun care lor. just do (:
Hope i can pass !!
2 Oct,Friday,MT exam:
Rofl ! i hate chinese ! from pri4 i stop studyin my Mt already. @@
5 Oct,Monday,Science:
Wow ! Science i know that i sure can pass the paper ! haha cause the electircal
things i pri sch study be4 ! ! Bleh cheating ya ? ahahaha. Im not sure about
the human parts XD but today i recap everything i know Rofl !! YEAH!
sure pass? Hehhe.
Tomorrow CPA ! Damn ! Thats the easy subject i have !! haha. Im computer
freak ? mayb not. :p cause i just computer from small till now ;) What anit-virus,
Hacks,Or even can ruin people comp down. hahaha Im not that bad to spoil your
computer And I ALSO WUN TEACH YOU ALL HOW TO DO IT. so dun ask me
End of post. finally ! Im back to post this long again like last time (:
But ! no tags ;'( that why i dun want post sia hais..